To put it another way, parenting children is among the most important kinds of work there are in the world, and it both deserves and requires the greatest respect. Statutes 129 and 14). Kaestner doesnt claim the policy would work everywhere, but says it has been embraced by workers at regardless of religious affiliation. X. The so-called blue laws that once protected peopleor prevented people, depending on your point of viewfrom working at all hours have disappeared from most developed countries. An instance where words were introduced is as the Lord your God commanded inserted into Deuteronomy. It is very clear in John 4:24 that says God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. So if you want to worship God, worship Him in SPIRIT, not by using physical images like statues or picture. The second attitude causes laziness, generates excuses for failure, and provokes acts of confiscation. Both Levitical law and Hammurabi's Code impose the death penalty in cases of adultery and kidnapping (Leviticus 20:10; Exodus 21:16; cf. 2014 by the Theology of Work Project, Inc. Ibn Ezra answers that God originated the Exodus Decalogue, but Moses was the author of the Deuteronomic version, not God. 3. God cannot contradict himself. The Ten Commandments can be found in two passages in the Bible. When, for example, recognition on the job becomes more important than character on the job, is this not a sign that reputation is displacing the love of God as the ultimate concern? Also, there are similarities in the law of retaliation, such as "an eye for an eye" (Leviticus 21:23-25; cf. The fifth commandment says thatwe must respect the most basic authority among human beings, that of parents for children. 5:21-22). We can either take inspiration from the success of others or we can covet. I AM JOSHUA and Im on a mission to help fellow Christians build a closer and more intimate relationship with God. With your gift of any size, youll enable us to continue equipping Christians with high-quality biblically-based content. Of course, neither statement is indicative of genuine monotheism. Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest. They consist of ten cardinal rules to be obeyed in order to live They certainly should be able to expect that their government won't pervert their religion in the name of public morality or vote-grabbing. The Protestant tradition traces back to the 16th century Reformation. Please try again or choose an option below. I agree with you that God is humble to the point that His Son became a human being. Take the FULL QUOTE in order to understand the 1 commandment, I. For example, when Rebecca told her son Jacob what she overheard her husband Isaac say, she added the words before God to inform Jacob that Isaac spoke prophetically. 10 Astonishing Lessons We Learn from Psalm 27, Is there an immortal soul? Continue reading. Let me ask you is ones wife his property? Gills book contains an extended exegesis and application of the Ten Commandments in the modern world. Again, God commanded for it to be created, but not be worshipped. In our workplaces, we can help other people fulfill the fifth commandment, as well as obeyit ourselves. Question is how does one know when a crime is committed? Furthermore, he continues, if God wanted the people to know the different wording, He could have stated them one after another, so that they could be understood. Thanks for taking time in reading my post and for your comment. The Ten Commandments are basically . (Get your copy here.). When students were expected to read the Bible in public schools, for example, they were forced to read theKing James translationfavored by Protestants; the Catholic Douay translation was forbidden. 1,The New Interpreters Bible: Genesis to Leviticus(Nashville:Abingdon Press, 1994),848. Those who are accustomed to reading the Bible and understand its style know, he writes, that the Bible usually makes changes of this kind, even in the same sentence. It is evident that humans are in error and not God. One other interesting difference occurs in how Catholics translate the Deuteronomy verses into actual commandments. Continue reading this essay Idolatry begins when we place our trust and hope in these things more than in God. And for a wife? adultery (Ex 20:14, Deut 5:18), stealing (Ex 20:15, Deut 5:19), bearing In particular, we face temptation at work to falsely inflate our accomplishments at the expense of others. Stealing is the most blatant form of confiscation, when someone grabs what belongs to another and runs away. Not only must you rest, those who work for youslaves, other Israelites, even animalsmust be given rest. Such institutions lack respect for property rights. Different religions and sects have divided the Commandments in different ways and this certainly includes Protestants and Catholics. VII. The largest difference between the Exodus and Deuteronomy versions comes in the Sabbath commandment. This need not be restricted to the nameYHWH (Deut. God revealed the entire Decalogue, even the sections related in the third person. Readers will have to decide whether to interpret the Exodus account in light of Deuteronomy, or to understand Deuteronomy in light of what appears to be a description of a new version of the Ten Commandments in Exodus. But what about cases when an employee tarnishes the reputation of a co-worker? The use of the term Catholic Ten Commandments are meant loosely because both Catholics and Lutherans follow this particular listing which is based upon the version found inDeuteronomy. What we need are times and places for both work and rest, which together are good for us, our family, workers, and guests. For God, using images to represent Him is VERY ABOMINABLE. But we are put to the test by this commandment when we find it burdensome to work on behalf of our parents. Is this a legitimate function of the government? Instead of worshiping God according to our rules, we need to start worshiping Him ACCORDING TO HIS REQUIREMENTS! REL 101 Exam #3 (Mathews) Flashcards | Quizlet Deuteronomy. You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain, You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. righteously in the eyes of God and in each book they are transcribed almost Know Your Bible: All 66 Books Explained and Applied (Value Books). Over 2,180 Amazon reviewers gave it an average of 4.4 out of 5.0 stars. The first traditional commandment should read as follows, Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Click the link in that email to complete registration so you can comment. Austin Cline, a former regional director for the Council for Secular Humanism, writes and lectures extensively about atheism and agnosticism. Moses exposition begins with the most memorable statement of the book, Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. Simply to learn and say someones name is a blessing, especially if he or she is often treated as nameless, invisible, or insignificant. 8 . In the interest of presenting ones own products and services in the best possible light, to what extent may one point out the flaws and weaknesses of the competition without incorporating their perspective? Exo 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. To make matters worse, the three of them are organized and phrased quite differently. Statute 196). [1]However, admonishing readers of this article, Dont murder anyone at work, isnt likely to change this statistic much. The third commandment also reminds us that respecting human names is important to God. As in the other additions to the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy, this one draws attention to the workplace. In the Butler Catechism, verses eight through ten are simply left out. From a literary point of view the Sabbath-Commandment is the most extensive and most elaborated part of the Decalogue. Thou shalt not kill. Thrice in the year shall all your men children appear before the Lord God. First Commandment: Jesus affirmed that we are to worship only God (Matthew 4:10; Luke 4:8). Similarities and Differences Between Exod 20:8-11 and Deut 5:12-15 The following list contains the Sabbath commandments of Exod 20 and The first is as found in Exodus 20:2-17 and was personally spoken by God and written by the finger of God. The fourth commandment does not explain how God will make it all work out for us. Where is the sanctity of family? Now, we have discussed the similarities between these two groups of laws, now let us talk about the differences between the two. The workplace is one of the most common settings for adultery, not necessarily because adultery occurs in the workplace itself, but because it arises from the conditions of work and relationships with co-workers. Despite these differences, the sense of the two is the same. II. The story of a family forging an idol with the intent to manipulate God, and the disastrous personal, social and economic consequences that follow, are memorably told inJudges17-21. We use peoples names wrongfully when we use them to curse, humiliate, oppress, exclude, and defraud. You will notice that the TENTH COMMANDMENT of God was divided by people who thought they are better than God. Below is a comparison of both readings of the Ten Commandments. Regrettably, many jobs seem to include an element of taking advantage of others ignorance or lack of alternatives to force them into transactions they otherwise wouldnt agree to. The Ten Commandments in Exodus, Deuteronomy, and the New Testament 1st Commandment. One is in Exodus 20 and the second in Deuteronomy 5. Please give me scriptural reference. There are two accounts of the Ten Commandments. MegaEssays. But is this always something we should participate in? This would have defeated the reason for revealing the Decalogue, to communicate divine laws to the people. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thank you for your patience and continued support! "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. QURAN 17:23. and the feast of ingathering at the years end. Pray that the Lord will take the snakes away from us. So Moses prayed for the people. Decalogue is also the designation for the twelve commandments in Exodus 34:12-26. The use of the term "Catholic" Ten Commandments are meant loosely because both Catholics and Lutherans follow this particular listing which is based upon the version found in Deuteronomy.This text was likely written in the seventh century BCE, around 300 years later than the Exodus text which forms the basis for the "Protestant" version of the Ten Commandments. leader Moses at Mount Sinai. But envy isnt one of them. The second commandment raises the issue of idolatry. There are many differences between the Exodus described in the Bible and the Exodus shown in the 2007 film The Ten Commandments. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. My understanding to this is that it is okay to create a graven image but not to the point that you will worship, bow down and make it your center of worship. Yes, thats true. Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt (Deut. Comparison between the Ten Commandments in Exodus verses Deuteronomy. Let God be true and every man a liar. Murder is the intentional killing of a person, but the case law that stems from the sixth commandment shows that we also have the duty to prevent unintended deaths. Moses also added explanations when he reiterated the divine Decalogue. Good for them for continuing the practice and not being closed minded. Will you follow the correct version of Ten Commandments as it was mentioned in the Bible? Exo 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Unlike the first four books of the Pentateuch, the Book of Deuteronomy is, for the most part, the Word of Gd given in the language and style of Moses.Five weeks before his death, Moses assembled the people of Israel in Moab and gave them a parting speech, which formed the core of this book. Both focus on only one of the many variations, the fact that Exodus 20:8 uses the term Remember the Sabbath day while Deuteronomy 20:12 has Keep the Sabbath day. Both give the same explanation, but the Talmud is more verbal: Remember and keep were pronounced in a single utterance an utterance that the [human] mouth cannot utter, nor the ear hear. These early sources posit that both versions were uttered simultaneously and miraculously by God. Have you already noticed the difference? The Ten Commandments, or the Decalogue, are a set of laws which were given to Moses by God, as found in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy.The biblical text of the Ten Commandments is differently divided according to denominational traditions.The Orthodox and Catholic tradition traces back to the 3rd and 4th centuries. First of all, Hammurabi's Code is written by man, while The Ten Commandments is written by God. Exodus 20: Deuteronomy 5: The Ten Commandments. EXODUS 20:1-21 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Day 10 DEUTERONOMY 5:1-21. The "you" in "You shall not" is the "you" singular, not the "you" plural. I am passionate about inspiring people to find their God-given purpose in life. IX. [Video]. For each Know Your Bible provides data on the author and time frame, a ten-word synopsis, a longer (50-100 word) summary, thoughts on what makes the book unique or unusual, a listing of key verses, and a So, What? section of practical application. MegaEssays, "Comparison between Deuteronomy 5 through12 and Exodus 20 through 24.,", (accessed January 18, 2023). Using deception to make sales, gain market share, or raise prices is stealing because the deception means that whatever the buyer consents to is not the actual situation. So what happened? The polarity that actually undergirds the Sabbath is work and rest. When Moses does return, it is with the commandments for The feast of unleavened bread thou shalt keep. Does it take seven days of work to hold a job (or two or three jobs), clean the house, prepare the meals, mow the lawn, wash the car, pay the bills, finish the school work, and shop for the clothes, or can we trust God to provide for us even if we take a day off during the course of every week? The place of work may be where we earn money to support them, or it may be in the place where we assist them in the tasks of daily life. The Ten Commandments appear in Exodus and reappear in Deuteronomy. Do you see? Final words, traditional ten commandments is a direct attempt of the Catholic church to tamper with the Word of God. If they include the second commandment, their followers will start to ask why they have statues and graven image as part of their worship while the BIBLE CONDEMNS THIS PRACTICE! How Did a Christian in the Old Testament Know If They Have Sinned? The Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the sabbath day (Deut. The term Islam means submission, while followers of Islam are called Muslims which is translated to one who has submitted. Islam was very prominent, Ten Commandments In Exodus Vs Deuteronomy. Heres a book that you should read. The scope of our global economy suggests this command may have wide application indeed. Tell me, did Exodus 20:17 said that the wife is a property? If necessary, people may work from home after 8 pm or so, but workers are expected not to work or communicate with one another between 6 and 8. Intriguingly, the variations in these commandments specifically address work. BTW, God reduced himself to a MERE HUMAN (Jesus, the God/also a human) so from Infinity GOD SO HUMBLED himself that he gave his only son up on the cross, the death of a criminal. So I think God is okay with humility. In order to be a criminal you must commit a crime. The Decalogue is first introduced in Exodus 20 and in Deuteronomy 5. Neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the morning. Yet when we imagine that by achieving them our safety and prosperity will be secured, we have begun to fall into idolatry. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Deuteronomy has Moses' recapitulation of the Journey forty years later as the Jews prepared to enter the . Below is a comparison of both readings of the Ten Commandments. As a matter of fact, in later years, the Israelites will view the bronze serpent as a holy relic of veneration and begin worshiping it. IX. What safeguards ought to be in place to ensure that reports are fair and accurate? How about exaggerated advertising claims, even if they do not falsely disparage competitors? But confiscation also occurs on a larger, more sophisticated scale, as when a corporation defrauds customers or a government imposes ruinous taxation on its citizens. 1, 10 Key Points About Work in the Bible That Every Christian Should Know, Beyond Rank and Power: What Philemon Tells Us About Leadership, Learning From the Psalms How to Pray Through Your Work, You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me (Exodus 20:3; Deuteronomy 5:7), You Shall Not Make for Yourself an Idol (Exodus 20:4; Deuteronomy 5:8), You Shall Not Make Wrongful Use of the Name of the LORD Your God (Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11), Observe the Sabbath Day and Keep It Holy (Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12), The Sabbath and the Work We Do (Deuteronomy 5:13), Won't Keeping the Sabbath Make Me Less Productive, The Sabbath and the Work People Do for Us, Honor Your Father and Your Mother (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16), You Shall Not Murder (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17),, You Shall Not Commit Adultery (Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18), You Shall Not Steal (Exodus 20:15; Deuteronomy 5:19), You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor (Exodus 20:16; Deuteronomy 5:20), You Shall Not Covet Anything That Belongs to Your Neighbor (Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21), Rebellion and Complacency (Deuteronomy 1:14:43), Israel Refuses to Enter the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 1:19-45), When Success Leads to Complacency (Deuteronomy 4:25-40), Gods Law and Its Applications (Deuteronomy 4:4430:20), The Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 5:6-21), Statutes and Ordinances (Deuteronomy 4:44-28:68), The Blessings of Obeying Gods Covenant (Deuteronomy 7:12-15; 28:2-12), The Dangers of Prosperity (Deuteronomy 8:11-20), Generosity and God's Blessing (Deuteronomy 15:7-11), Bribery and Corruption (Deuteronomy 16:18-20), Obeying Decisions of Courts of Law (Deuteronomy 17:8-13), Using Authority Justly (Deuteronomy 17:14-20), Employing Assets for the Common Good (Deuteronomy 23:1-24:13), Economic Justice (Deuteronomy 24:14-15; 25:19; 27:17-25), Moses Final Appeal for Obedience to God (Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20), The End of Moses Work (Deuteronomy 31:1-34:12), Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. As the Apostle Paul put it, I have learned to be content with whatever I have (Phil. Never allow anyone or anything to threaten Gods central place in your life, as David Gill puts it.[1]. The same may occur with virtually every other element of success, including preparation, hard work, creativity, risk, wealth and other resources, and even chance. When students were expected to read the Bible in public schools, for example, they were forced to read the King James translation favored by Protestants; the Catholic Douay translation was forbidden. If the event was predictable, the oxs owner is to be treated as a murderer. Clearly both things could not have happened, so it has to be one or the other. Make it a consistent practice to recognize the accomplishments of others and give them all the credit they deserve. I think that is a very big difference because, God knows what we should do and shouldn't better than we do. Join me now as we explore Gods word and discover what it takes to become a true Christian! Scriptures: Acts 7:14, Deuteronomy 10:22, Exodus 12 . By this, we can say that GOD is truly CONSISTENT with His words. 7 'You shall have no other gods before Me. Learn Religions. of each book deviates into other subjects. (2021, July 29). Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Idols are gods of our own creation, gods that we feel will give us what we want. All rights reserved. You shall not covet your neighbors wife; and you shall not desire your neighbors house,his field,his male servant, his female servant, his ox, his donkey, or anything that is your neighbors.. If you look into the history, the true Ten Commandments were accepted up until the fourth century AD until Augustine (Catholic bishop of Hippo in North Africa, 354-430) devised a new way of presenting the Ten Commandments in order to allow the use of images and statues in religious worship. The second commandment is altogether different, forbidding making, bowing down to, serving, or otherwise using statues in the worship of God. Actually, the real and only 10 Commandments, inscribed by Gods finger, as brought down from the mount are as follow: III. (Exodus 34:28, Deuteronomy 10:4) which is the . Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. There are many ways this can occur. [1-minute video]. Dog Agility Training At It's Finest. The issue is complex, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The antidote is simple, although hard to do at times. Our focus, he says, should be on the soul (the meaning) not the body (the words), for this is how the Bible works. For this purpose, let us see what Exodus 20 has to say. Exodus 20:2-17: Deuteronomy 5:6-21: 1: 2 I am the LORD your God, which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Walter Brueggemann, The Book of Exodus, in vol. They are not idols, per se, and in fact may be necessary for us to accomplish our roles in Gods creative and redemptive work in the world. It might surprise you, but the Ten Commandments that we traditional know is really NOT the same with the Ten Commandments written in the Bible. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. It is wrong to pass along hearsay in any form, even as prayer requests or pastoral concerns. If you are observant, you will see that the traditional and Gods version agrees on Commandment numbers 1 and 2 only! The alterations include the use of dissimilar words, variations in word order, and differences in spelling, additions and deletions. Through proper honor of parents, children learn proper respect in every other kind of relationship, including those in their future workplaces. "Comparing the Ten Commandments." Being around them may undermine our sense of self, our commitment to our spouses (including our responsibilities underthe third commandment), even our relationship with God. However, I think it is wrong for you to assume that I dont agree to this. Bringing the two together, we see that the foundations for keeping the sabbath are both the way God made us and the way he redeems us. We will never do great things if, instead of working hard, we fantasize that other peoples achievements are our own. The two differ in more than a dozen instances in the spelling of some terms . The Exodus 20 list doesn't get that treatment until it is restated by . The first commandment is a commandment prohibiting the worship of anything in the place of God. On a large scale, the business of marketing and advertisement operates in the public space among organizations and individuals. In The only previous mention is in the Exodus Decalogue. The reason is likely the long-standing Protestant dominance in American public and civic life. It shouldn't be ignored that the Ten Commandments were originally part of a Jewish document and they too have their own way of structuring it. Although many Christians are in danger of allowing work to squeeze the time set aside for rest, others are in danger of the oppositeof shirking work and trying to live a life of leisure and dissipation. These additions highlight Gods concern for those who work under the authority of others. This automatically disqualified the effeminate, weak, and long-haired Jesus that we commonly see. What Does it Mean to Put your Hand on the Plow and Look Back? The most significant implication of the sixth commandment for work thenmay be, If you get angry at work, get help in anger management. Many employers, churches, state and local governments, and nonprofit organizations offer classes and counseling in anger management. It would be very chaotic and people would be out of control. Keeping this in mind, we shouldnt make wrongful use of other peoples names or call them by disrespectful epithets. Likewise, profiting by taking advantage of peoples fears, vulnerabilities, powerlessness, or desperation is a form of stealing because their consent is not truly voluntary. patio homes for sale norman, ok. suede brooks father death similarities of 10 commandments in exodus and deuteronomy. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Violating patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property laws is stealing because it deprives the owner of theability to profit from their creation under the terms of civil law. All Rights Reserved. The first commandment reminds us that everything in the Torah flows from the love we have for God, which is a response to the love he has for us. Jews begin the Commandments with the statement, "I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." This false god will have its own commandments at odds with Gods, and we will inevitably violate the Torah as we comply with this gods requirements. (See Truth & Deception at for a much fuller discussion of this topic, including whether the prohibition of false witness against your neighbor includes all forms of lying and deception.). This is an example, Christianity first became an Asian religion, and prominent in Israel and Syria. One reason is mentioned in John 4:24, second is that no one today knows the exact face and form of Jesus Christ! Personally, I don't see the connection at least the reasoning in the Exodus version has some logical basis. Retrieved from In Jesus day, the Pharisees wanted to restrict this to speaking well of them. As Christians, we must refuse to participate in or to tolerate any conversation in which a person is being defamed or accused without the person being there to defend himself. Comparison between Deuteronomy 5 through12 and Exodus 20 through 24. 4:11). II. It is the harm to another person, your neighbornot the desire to have somethingthat is prohibited. 3. If two texts have dissimilar wording but the two express the same idea, they should be understood as being identical. Can truth ever truly be spoken when the person being talked about is not there to speak for him or herself? But almost anything related to work can become twisted in our desires to the point that it interferes with our love for God. 5:22). Parents therefore have the duty to be worthy of trust, respect, and obedience. You shall not covet your neighbors wife. (LogOut/ In a world where perception often counts for reality, the rhetoric of persuasion may care little for truth. We state it as God saying, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me (besides me, or in addition to me)." The second Commandment is drawn from Exodus 20:4, but it really includes verses 5-6.