The interview guide addressed themes such as pre-placement orientation, supervision, assessment, collaboration, learning environment, and overall placement experience (see Supplementary file 1). The sample was highly specific for the aim of this study and the interview dialogue was strong, which enhances information power [52]. The analyses identified five themes relating to first-year nursing students overall placement experiences when assigned to nursing homes for clinical practice Nobody had asked me if that was okay and if I was comfortable being there alone. Developing an attitude of gratitude. The findings were reported using the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR). The researchers who conducted the focus group interviews were lecturers at the same educational institution as the students, which thus entails insider research from our own institutions [54]. It is reported in other studies that student nurses view the nursing home as an environment that provides fewer learning opportunities compared with hospital settings, as students are concerned about technical care [3]. Description The day we were gathered in small student groups with our assigned nurse educator during the orientation week was vital for me. Poor nurse leaders give criticism because their focus is on blaming you for what you did wrong. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Qual Health Res. Our findings indicate that staffing shortages and a general lack of available RN mentors, alongside mentors being absent through sick leave combined with their managerial role, introduced considerable vulnerability in student supervision, which negatively influenced students placement experiences. However, if future nurses are to be enthusiastic about working in this healthcare context, it is essential that higher education institutions that educate nurses and nursing homes that provide placement experiences to students do so with a supportive, positive, and enriched approach. Well use the Jane and Sarah example again: Jane is known to be one of the nicest nurses working in the unit. Unfortunately, student nurses arent paid for the time they spend on placement. I had not met aboriginal patients before; however I recognised that they had special Nursing research: appraising evidence for nursing practice (7th edition). You can claim for travel expenses if your travel costs to and from your placement exceed your normal travel costs to and from your university campus but you can only claim for this excess amount. Moreover, when assigned to nursing homes for clinical placement, nursing students report spending considerable time with unlicensed careers, leading to a lack of role models, lack of feedback from RNs, and missed learning opportunities [3]. Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning. What people think of you has a rippling effect on how they will receive your feedback. 2016;36:4452. (P2, FGA). How to Deal with Difficult Nurses at Work, 10 Hard Public Health Nursing Interview Questions And Answers, Step Down Unit vs ICU Nursing: Similarities and Differences, 10 Hard New Grad Nursing Interview Questions And Answers, 10 Hard Endoscopy Nursing Interview Questions And Answers, How to Become a Labor and Delivery Nurse: A Step-by-Step Guide, Make sure the feedback does not interrupt your workflow, Unless a patient is at risk be mindful of feedback being given in front of a patient or other coworkers. Google Scholar. These themes are now described in more detail. Participants reported stress and high workloads during their placement period, especially concerning the expectation to take responsibility for their own learning. I also surprised myself with how much of an interest I had begun to develop for end of life care. professionals as it allows them to objectively look at their practice and learn their strengths and Hence, lack of resources and capacity to mentor and support students learning in nursing homes is the most frequently mentioned barrier in developing and utilising clinical placements in these settings [9, 10]. an occurrence before. This work was supported by The Research Council of Norway (RCN) grant number 273558. Nurse Educ Today. Although Ive really enjoyed all of my placements, they havent been without their challenges. Furthermore, some participants expressed that non-registered nurses more often tended to view them as (purely) a supply of labour, which led some of the students to experience being exploited as manpower during their placement period. I'm particularly interested in public health and when I qualify I would like to work in the community. Our learning goals are more related to the fundamentals of care, learning to communicate and care for residents. You tell them what you saw them doing that way they know exactly what youre talking about. Several participants reported that their assigned RNs were less involved in the fundamentals of care in comparison with other healthcare workers. They [the nurse educators] have different expectations and requirements. (P1, FGC). 2021;51:102982. Some participants expressed dissatisfaction with this arrangement because they missed being exposed to what some students referred to as nursing; On further exploration, this perception linked with their observed role of RNs in nursing homes related to performing more technical procedures. Thomas Uzuegbunem is a registered nurse who graduated with a bachelors in business and went on to get his bachelors of science in nursing. Confusion breathes frustration, and thats exactly what you want to avoid. Hence, based on our findings and in line with Haugland and Giske [31], it is essential that first-year students see the enriched learning opportunities beyond task completion and develop a professional identity that promotes values embodied in the philosophy of person-centred care. Although the nursing home sector is forecasted to grow in importance as a site for undergraduate students, relatively little research has been undertaken to qualitatively explore students placement experiences in this clinical setting [3]. You can provide positive feedback in Nursing students experiences with clinical placement in residential aged care facilities: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. Terms and Conditions, Nurse Educ Pract. 2016;37:97102. Our findings also indicate considerable variation in supervision practices provided by RN mentors, consistent with other studies exploring students experiences with nursing home placements [29]. Moreover, participants across all focus groups reported a mismatch between the RNs role in nursing homes and the first-year students learning objectives. She [RN mentor] has been willing and interested in me and my learning process and arranged for me to learn and exposed me to various learning situations. My First Placement Experience I spent my first ever placement as a student nurse working on a trauma orthopaedic ward that specialised in hip fractures. Nurse managers importance for the learning environment of student nurses in nursing homes. students characteristics, nurse educator and mentor variables), the nursing home environment (e.g. Ive since finished this placement and Im now on a theory block, waiting to find out where my second placement allocation for this year is. We spend 30 hours a week on placement in our first two years of study and 37.5 hours a week on placement in our final year, but again, this will differ between universities. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I learnt that its important to speak up if you ever feel uncomfortable doing something and not to feel under pressure to do anything you dont feel confident enough to do. In the short space of four weeks, I learnt so much and was taking part in medication rounds, administering injections, removing sutures, undertaking bladder scans and so much more. Only one mentor came and said hello to us on the reception day (P4, FGC). Patton MQ. Eklund A, Skyvell Nilsson M, Billett S. Bridge over troubled water? When I asked specific questions, I sometimes experienced that my mentor gave answers on totally different things and subjects. The focus group interviews, conducted at the placement sites during the students last week of their placement, lasted an average of 90min. One student voiced concern and questioned how linguistic challenges could potentially influence the quality of supervision, the outcome of the assessment, and their overall learning and placement experience. 2001;13(5):20914. Indeed, it has been stressed that the RNs managerial role of working in nursing homes (e.g. Objectives: To provide an overview of summative assessment of student nurses' practice currently in use. This will indirectly and in some ways directly will make your life easier. Hence, university nursing programmes play a key role in preparing a workforce to meet future healthcare needs, especially those associated with an ageing population [3]. So, how was she able to assess me and my progress in learning? (P1, FGB). He allowed me to check his temperature Culturally and linguistically diverse healthcare students experiences of learning in a clinical environment: a systematic review of qualitative studies. At first I was perplexed as I had never witnessed such Those students described how high levels of support enabled them to learn how to reflect on their own practice and work more independently throughout the placement period. The students were on placement in various types of nursing homes including short-term, long-term, dementia, and rehabilitation units. If you cant answer those questions, the discussion wont be as helpful. Another student described how she experienced being scolded in the presence of a resident: One time I experienced that a care assistant scolded on me in front of the resident. Critical care and ED were my top desired volume20, Articlenumber:159 (2021) This is in addition to the annual non-means tested grant of at least 5,000 from the NHS Learning Support Fund introduced in 2020, with additional payments of 1,000 to those who are studying mental health or learning disability nursing and to those from regions struggling to recruit students. And that is fine. I was allocated a placement on a frailty ward which I ended up really enjoying and even after my first shift, I felt so much more at ease and almost felt silly for worrying so much about it beforehand. However, the readiness of nursing home staff and aptitude to engage and view students placement period as a learning activity likely depends on how well they and the workplace encourage staff to engage with these opportunities [35]. One of the big differences between criticism and constructive feedback is feedback comes from a place of caring. At the same time many participants said it was educationally instructive to write self-reflections. Finally, our findings call attention to the vulnerability associated with being a first-year student on placement in an unfamiliar and sometimes overwhelming nursing home context. I noticed that doing A caused B to happen, I think you should do C next time in a situation like that to keep B from happening. Because we know that our assigned mentors have responsibility for us. In fact, my RN mentor came in on her day off and even when she was on sick leave to follow me up and take part in the meetings with the nurse educator. The renewed interest in nursing homes as clinical placement settings has been prompted by the growing population of older people who live with increasingly complex long-term conditions and palliative care needs [1]. Webfeedback you have discussed, to use whe n writing your summary evaluation. Share your thoughts, add your opinion in the comments below. Several participants described how sickness absence among the RN mentors led to lack of supervisory continuity. the systematic shifts in the RNs role away from hands-on nursing to a more administrative focus) restricts students learning about gerontological nursing [17]. Informed consent was obtained from all the participants involved in the study and the students were informed about the right to withdraw from the study at any time. Part of However, across the focus group interviews the participants views varied with regard to the relevance and adequacy of the information provided during the pre-placement orientation week. The datasets used and analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Richardson, L., & Stanbrook, M. B. The nurse teachers role in clinical practice Norwegian nursing students experiences. Are care workers appropriate mentors for nursing students in residential aged care? (P2, FGB). Specific examples of positive feedback are provided for each scenario. Then as from some instant example, you can take a look at. Being able to care for patients in their own homes, comfortable and surrounded by their family, I saw a whole different side to end of life care compared to in the hospital. However, when they are absent you rely on ward staff to engage. Hence, the thematic analysis was guided by the research question and followed the six phases described by Braun and Clarke [25]: (1) becoming familiar with the data, (2) generating initial codes, (3) searching for themes, (4) reviewing themes, (5) defining and naming themes, and (6) producing the report. Nurse Educ Today. I was amazed at how much I had remembered from my previous placements and how fast I familiarised myself with each new ward routine and my confidence quickly returned. Participants reported that the RNs supervisory style and degree and quality of feedback they received varied. However, when I tried getting his heart rate, oxygen Patterns of clinical mentorship in undergraduate nurse education: a comparative case analysis of eleven EU and non-EU countries. Nurse Educ Today. These changes in the patterns of healthcare need intensify the requirement for highly qualified nursing staff to work in nursing homes with older people. What are some models of feedback in nursing? Share your story to help and inspire others. (P4, FGB). BM contributed to the drafting and revision of the manuscript. Constructive feedback is the primary focus of this article, and it focuses on what someone can do better. From experience, those are few and far between, and its just a matter of learning how to handle it with grace. I also feel more comfortable asking questions when it is not in front of residents as that can be restrictive in respect of the resident. There are ample reasons why so many nurses avoid giving feedback. This feedback is when you focus on everything the person is doing right. 2. 2017;26:7481. (P1, FGB). (P1, FGB). In both scenarios, the same thing is said, and even in the text, you get a sense this could easily be taken differently. PubMed If you buy through the link, I may earn a commission. Not only does it enhance the good behavior you see such as a strong work ethic, but it also helps to motivate employees doing the right thing. Google Scholar. (P4, FGB), I also experienced that my RN mentor was really engaged in mentoring me during placement. Some participants said that their placement site had arranged a welcoming milieu on their first day of placement whereas other participants told how they did not receive the same expected welcome from their placement site. Then tell them what you noticed happen as a result of what they did. J Nurs Educ Pract. In comparison, two students reported having fewer positive experiences. TDAE provides reimbursement of excess travel or accommodation costs incurred due to undertaking placement. Nursing students experience with clinical placement in nursing homes: a focus group study. Annear M, Lea E, Robinson A. However, we have never written self-assessments before so many of us students did not understand what and how we should evaluate ourselves. (2013). Consequently, this impedes access to important role models available to support the students growth and professional development. Dont just wait to be asked as it can be easy for staff to forget if its busy and by showing that you want to take part in something, youll also be demonstrating that youre keen to learn. (P3, FGA). So, I just had to agree with what was said during the assessment discussions as there did not appear to be any room for discussion, misunderstandings, or frustration from my part. Teamwork 1. However, the RNs do not have time to supervise or follow-up on us as they are so busy with other responsibilities. (P4, FGB). Being left with too much responsibility was reported as more challenging by some participants than by others, and more often by those students with no pre-placement clinical experience. Three focus group interviews were conducted to explore the students placement experiences. Int Pract Dev J. If youre doing something wrong or inefficient wouldnt you rather know about it? Many people benefit from good constructive feedback: Your nursing coworkers will appreciate the feedback, especially if theyre a new graduate nurse. Then you highlight what could be improved. I got to learn so much more about wound care, learning how to pack cavity wounds and increasing my confidence surrounding which dressings to use for different types of wounds. Many of the lessons I learned there were applicable elsewhere, even outside of OB. They just told us this is the form you can use to evaluate your own performance and development. 'Satisfaction' across seven studies was I experienced that day to be of most value as it was easier to ask questions and interact. 2014;34(4):56973. Merkley BR. Nurse Educ Pract. There are ways to mitigate this, but in general, its easier to give feedback if you have a rapport with the person. Cheng M, Cheng C, Tian Y, Fan X. Students motivation to choose gerontological nursing as a career in China: a survey study. WebFor example, you may assess what to wear depending on the weather, or what you will buy for dinner depending on dietary requirements, or patient need depending on their Australian Health Review. 2015;35(1):1705. She was probably in the top 10% of students I have ever precepted, versus Student A is a bright young man with a promising future. If you choose to give your student a in a particular category, why did you make that decision? Think about it as youre having a discussion with them as opposed to a lecture. (P1, FGA). All participants were female students aged 2023years. California Privacy Statement, Several types and styles of questions evaluated students stress levels which could potentially lead to distress. Indeed, a survey of Norwegian nursing students on placement in nursing homes assessed the clinical learning environment more negatively than hospital placements in nearly all dimensions [19]. The nursing home placements involved 8weeks of obligatory placement for the students enrolled in the study. Related Articles on Constructive Feedback in Nursing. I also expanded my catheter care knowledge, learning how to carry out a bladder wash out and insert and remove catheters. weaknesses (Lauren Caldwell, 2013). Nurse Educ Today. PubMedGoogle Scholar. All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. Having never worked in a hospital environment before, I was extremely nervous to start this placement, especially because a lot of students on my course had previous healthcare experience. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. The feedback sandwich is one of the go-to ways to deliver useful feedback while avoiding putting the other person on the defensive. Student Feedback Learner Survey Form in PDF 5. I have had an RN mentor thats really supported me during placements, cared for me, and teach me a lot. and action plan. You might have had a bad experience because you went about it the wrong way or it couldve been the person was just not interested in your feedback. Negative feedback is focused on the bad behavior thats happening but doesnt add value by giving meaningful solutions to the problem. In February this year, I began my first placement of second year working in a district nursing team. exploring learning processes in a transition program with newly graduated nurses. In any This is Its one thing if its a patient safety problem or something of a similar nature but if it isnt you might have to let it go. PMID: 21261238. Malterud K, Siersma VD, Guassora AD. I spent my first ever placement as a student nurse working on a trauma orthopaedic ward that specialised in hip fractures. This research provides insight into the contexts encountered by first-year students that seem to influence the quality of their placement experiences which may, moreover, prevent full utilisation of the learning potential offered in nursing homes. The pre-placement orientation week was described by some participants as having long days, lacking interaction, and dialogue with the students. 2016;54:17387. I even had the opportunity to follow a patients journey through to theatre and observe their operation, caring for them both before and after the procedure. Morgan DL, Krueger RA. Of the 45 students invited, 17 consented to participate. Do Student Nurses Get Paid Whilst on Placement? Your nursing coworkers will appreciate the feedback, especially if theyre a. (P1, FGA). A few students described how insufficient emphasis was placed on their voice during the assessment meetings when they, their assigned mentor, and nurse educator met to discuss their performance and learning process: I am not sure if I should call it disagreement but we (my RN mentor and I) had different perceptions and opinions about a situation. development. This study adopted an exploratory qualitative design [21]. Using that model, you are direct to the point. Although they received some thorough feedback that was instructive for their learning process, the students expressed that they received too little of it. Int J Nurs Stud. If done correctly, many will appreciate the heads up when there is something they could improve upon. If possible, provide the input close to the time of the event to make sure details are remembered. Another participant from another focus group said: The placement site has agreed to have students. Those students emphasised how such meetings with fellow students facilitated by the nurse educator were very educational. Some participants also said that the utility of the obligatory pre-placement orientation information varied. Take time to think about what specific things you saw that went wrong and what are specific ways they can improve. Splitgerber H, Davies S, Laker S. Improving clinical experiences for nursing students in nursing homes: an integrative literature review, nurse education in practice. Name Nurse Educ Pract. Positive feedback encourages good behavior that is already happening. Kristin Laugaland. Saarikoski M, Kaila P, Lambrinou E, Canaveras RMP, Warne T. Students experiences of cooperation with nurse teachers during their clinical placements: an empirical study in a Western European context. King BJ, Roberts TJ, Bowers BJ. Furthermore, participants reported that nurse educators level of feedback (oral and written) content and demands on which emphasis was placed varied considerably in relation to the students written assignments as well as during the formal assessment meetings. Nurse Educ Today 2020;95:104582. doi: Because I was not. Sometimes people will beat around the bush to avoid hurting someones feelings and in the end confusing everybody involved. This was my first community placement and my first placement not on a ward. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. To care about someone is to want them to succeed and do well. J Clin Nurs. Some participants emphasised that this was particularly the case if feedback or questions were given or asked in the presence of residents or their next of kin. Write or create a video about your job or your opinions! Whether you attend placement and university in blocks or alongside each other will also depend on which university you attend. Besides, when I cared for residents in the morning, she [the RN mentor] was never present. Nurse Educ Today. Another noteworthy finding from this study is that language difficulties may be more profound during students placements within the nursing home context because of a more multi-cultural workforce. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. Professional accountability doesnt only mean we continually improve our knowledge and skills, but also help our coworkers improve theirs. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. (P2, FGB), I experienced that I suddenly was left all alone in the living room with several residents. WebStudents' ratings of 'Experience' were positive across five scale subdimensions with means 3.0-3.95 of a possible 5 (overall mean 75.4%). We get so task orientated In addition, numbered identifiers were randomly assigned to each of the participants and their focus group designation (e.g. students) as well as the wider organisation [34]. Several participants expressed feeling great comfort and confidence in being paired with another student and especially if the student with whom they were paired had pre-placement clinical experience. All authors have read and approved the manuscript. Show the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way. At the University of Derby, we have three different placements a year, although not all universities operate like this. Being interviewed by a lecturer might represent a bias because it may have influenced the participants to speak less freely than they might have done with an external interviewer. However, there seems to be a lack of research on nursing home managers efforts in enhancing student nurses learning environment, a situation that warrants attention. Qualitative research and evaluation methods (3rd edition). Lauren Caldwell, RN, B. S. N. (2013). It was a nice feeling that you were expected. In future, I plan to learn more about culturally sensitive care. During my nursing school years the clinical I appreciated the most was obstetrics (OB). Achieving diversity, inclusion, and equity in the nursing workforce. Make Sure you Know what your Goals are, What to Avoid When Giving Constructive Feedback, 1. Healthcare students evaluation of the clinical learning environment and supervision a cross-sectional study. Nurse Educ Today. Basics of qualitative research: grounded theory procedures and techniques. Is there something one of your nurse peers are doing that is a patient safety risk? In nursing like most other professions, the rationale is important. Our RN mentor told us directly in the very beginning of our placement period that supervising students was the worst weeks of the year. The motivation for feedback and criticism are very different. Institutional Affiliation, Reflection as a student nurse on Placement Ford K, Courtney-Pratt H, Marlow A, Cooper J, Williams D, Mason R. Quality clinical placements: the perspectives of undergraduate nursing students and their supervising nurses. Participants in our study reported that RNs motivation and enthusiasm for the mentorship role varied, alongside the level of feedback and support provided and knowledge and awareness of the students learning objectives, which all are factors that affect student learning [37, 38]. All alone in the community is the form you can use to evaluate your own performance and development giving solutions. Solutions to the drafting and revision of the 45 students invited, 17 consented to participate ), I experienced! Out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations what people think of you has rippling. On ward staff to work in the comments below carry out a wash... 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