The source of the figures is Vadim Erlikman[ru]. [244] The Soviet-era archive figures on the Gulag labor camps has been the subject of a vigorous academic debate outside Russia since their publication in 1991. Because of the massive logistical obstacles a cross-channel invasion would face, the Allied high command decided to conduct a practice attack against the French coast. An American studies states that based off a sample of 12000+ Allied tank casualties from all theaters of WWII 54% of casualties were the result of gunfire. Poland lost a total of 139,800 regular soldiers and 100,000. (1956) A German government study put German air war dead at 635,000; 500,000 killed by allied strategic bombing and 135,000 refugees killed during the evacuations from eastern Europe in 1945. [477]. Toward Peace: War Responsibility, Postwar Compensation, and Peace Movements and Education in Japan. On 19 August 1942, the Allies began the Dieppe Raid, an attack on Dieppe, France. The number of deaths in the Gulag labor camps increased as a result of wartime overcrowding and food shortages. When scholarly sources differ on the number of deaths in a country, a range of war losses is given, in order to inform readers that the death toll is disputed. 4-The figures for Army wounded add up to 4,219,211. The French Ministry of Defense puts French military war dead at 200,000. The German Army Group B commanded by Field Marshal Walther Model was trapped in the Ruhr Pocket and 300,000 soldiers became POWs. & Jap. The bulk of the Allied armies were occupied in the Mediterranean, seeking to clear the sea lanes to the Indian Ocean and capture the Foggia Airfield Complex. vs. United States 485,717 killed and 34,679 wounded. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Eng. General Franz Bhme announced the unconditional surrender of German troops in Norway. 5354. Facts concerning the problem of the German expellees and refugees, Bonn 1967. The result was the near-destruction of the British 1st Airborne Division during the Battle of Arnhem, which sustained almost 8,000 casualties. A joint CzechGerman Historical Commission determined that between 15,000 and 30,000 Germans perished in the expulsions. The RAF lost 931 aircraft. These figures are for Germany in 1937 borders. Casualties in 193940 include the following dead and missing: The number of wounded includes 2,576,000 permanently disabled. 3133 (figure includes 170,000 German Jews). The footnotes give a detailed breakdown of the casualties and their sources, including data on the number of wounded where reliable sources are available. These figures are for Germany in 1937 borders, (1956) The West German Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office)estimated total war dead of 5,650,000 = (3,760,000) military; (430,000) civilians killed in bombing raids and the land campaign; (1,260,000) deaths to expulsion from Poland and (200,000) victims of Nazi racial, religious or political persecution. Commonwealth War Graves Commission Annual Report 20132014, page 44. After years of war, the United Kingdom and France were exhausted. [7][8] The Red Army claimed responsibility for the majority of Wehrmacht casualties during World War II. 7879, German Federal Archive, Siegel, Silke Vertreibung und Vertreibungsverbrechen 19451948. They place the ultimate blame for the mass flight and expulsion on the wartime policy of the Nazis in Eastern Europe. Civilian deaths totaled 50-55 million. (1950) The West German government made a preliminary estimate of 3.0million civilian deaths in the expulsions. 1993. Danish Ministry of Education. While the majority of the German army was mustered for the invasion of the Soviet Union, construction began on the Atlantic Wall a series of defensive fortifications along the French coast of the English Channel. "Gunfire" includes tanks of course, but also includes AT Guns, StuGs, other SPGs, and artillery pieces. Netherlands figure listed in the table of 112,000 Jews taken from, Donald L. Niewyk, professor of history at Southern Methodist University, maintains that the Holocaust can be defined in four ways: first, that it was the genocide of the Jews alone; second, that there were several parallel Holocausts, one for each of the several groups; third, the Holocaust would include Roma and the handicapped along with the Jews; fourth, it would include all racially motivated German crimes, such as the murder of Soviet prisoners of war, Polish and Soviet civilians, as well as political prisoners, religious dissenters, and homosexuals. [252] Rosefielde maintains that the data from the Soviet archives is incomplete; for example, he pointed out that the figures do not include the 22,000 victims of the Katyn massacre. HEC No. Allies United StatesUnited Kingdom It was estimated that 200,000 soldiers died in World War II in the European theatre. Bob Guercio Eisenhower calmly said "OK. World War 2's Eastern Front From Stalingrad To Berlin In 48 Photos How The Eastern Front Decided World War II Published August 11, 2019 Updated August 20, 2019 The Nazis suffered 80 percent of their casualties on World War II's Eastern Front, the deadliest theater in the history of war. Keitel is defiant at Berlin ritual. Philippines: 377,500, 121,100, (498,600) Sumatra: 2,700, 500, (3,200) (2005) The German government issued a report listing total war dead of 7,375,800 (3,100,000 soldiers killed; 1,200,000 soldiers missing; 500,000 civilians killed in bombing raids; 2,251,500 civilian victims of expulsions and deportations; 24,300 Austrian civilians killed and 300,000 victims of Nazi racial, religious or political persecution. The most numerous victims were Serbs. The Commission determined that the demographic estimates by the German government counted as missing 90,000 ethnic Germans assimilated into the Czech population; military deaths were understated and that the 1950 census data used to compute the demographic losses was unreliable. Bericht des Bundesarchivs vom 28. Mentally and Physically Handicapped: Victims of the Nazi Era", Bundesarchiv: Euthanasie-Verbrechen 19391945, "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Analysen, Grundzge, Forschungsbilanz, Michalka, Wolfgang (Hrsg. French aircraft losses were 560. [245] The Stalin regime deported the entire populations of ethnic minorities considered to be potentially disloyal. The British used the Egyptian army to guard lines of communication and to clear minefields. For almost two years, there was no land-fighting on the Western Front with the exception of commando raids and the guerrilla actions of the resistance aided by the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Each army group was allocated its mobile reserves. Confirmed dead were 159,957 (92,767 pre-armistice, 67,090 post armistice)[445] Military deaths 6,750 which included 3,900 regular Army, 2,600 Navy forces, and 250 POW in Germany. A total of 2,419 American civilian internees were listed as dead and missing. [392] English language sources put the death toll at 2 to 3million based on the West German government statistical analysis of the 1950s. Major German units in the French southwest that had not been committed in Normandy withdrew, either eastwards towards Alsace (sometimes directly across the US 6th Army Group's advance) or into the ports with the intention of denying them to the Allies. Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery, commanding the Anglo-Canadian 21st Army Group, persuaded the Allied High Command to launch a bold attack, Operation Market Garden, which he hoped would get the Allies across the Rhine and create the narrow-front he favoured. During September and October, the Allied 6th Army Group (U.S. The Nazis exterminated one to two million Soviet Jews (including the annexed territories) as part of the Holocaust. Determined stands were made in April by German forces at Heilbronn, Nuremberg, and Munich but were overcome after several days.[when?] Schramm put the total at 4,188,057. Andreev, E.M.; Darski, L.E. Vietnamese sources put the number of deaths during the 194445 famine in North Vietnam at between 1 and 2million. Archivalien und ausgewhlte Erlebnisberichte. [147] The breakout by service is as follows: Army 318,274 (234,874 battle, 83,400 nonbattle). This was followed by a pincer movement of the First Canadian Army in Operation Veritable advancing from the Nijmegen area of the Netherlands, and the US Ninth Army crossing the Roer in Operation Grenade. [475], 4-The Effects of strategic bombing on Japanese morale Based on a survey of Japanese households the death toll was put at 900,000 dead and 1.3million injured, the SBS noted that this figure was subject to a maximum sampling error of 30%. As the Allies advanced across France, their supply lines stretched to breaking point. Included in the losses are 64,000 victims of Nazi reprisals and genocide including 30,000 POWs and 8,500 Jews. The Germans had been preparing a massive counter-attack in the West since the Allied breakout from Normandy. There were more than 60 million World War 2 casualties resulting in death which at the time was more than 2.5% of the overall world population. To this must be added the 263,000655,000 who died, giving a rough total of 8 million German soldiers having served on the Western Front in 19441945. "Christian Streit: Keine Kameraden: Die Wehrmacht und die Sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen, 19411945, Bonn: Dietz (3. Andreev EM; Darsky LE; Kharkova TL, Population dynamics: consequences of regular and irregular changes. Army total 1,140,429 killed and 295,247 wounded. Radiation Effects Research Foundation How many people died as a result of the atomic bombings? This report (HMSO 6832) listed: The preliminary 1945 data for UK colonial forces was killed 6,877, missing 14,208, wounded 6,972 and. The Ustasa also killed most of Croatia's Jews, 20,000 Gypsies, and many thousands of their political enemies. Nazi Empire: German colonialism and imperialism from Bismarck to Hitler. The Ninth and First American armies then turned east and pushed to the Elbe river by mid-April. With the Luftwaffe unable to defeat the RAF in the Battle of Britain, the invasion of Great Britain could no longer be thought of as an option. (1989); Gerhard Reichling, Die deutschen Vertriebenen in Zahlen, Teil 1, Bonn 1995 (revised ed), Christoph Bergner, Secretary of State of Germany's Bureau for Inner Affairs, outlines the stance of the respective governmental institutions in. The exact number of dead and injured will never be known because of the confusion after the explosions. pedagog. In 2018, the United States Holocaust museum has the number of murdered during the time period of the holocaust at 17million 6million Jews and 11million others. ", "Commonwealth War Graves Commission Annual Report 2014-2015 p. 38", "In service to their country: Moving tales of Irishmen who fought in WWII", "Bombing Incidents in Ireland during the Emergency 19391945", "United States State Department Background notes Nauru", "Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Netherlands", "Newfoundlanders and Labradorians in WWII", "Auckland War Museum, World War Two Hall of Memories", "Research Starters: Worldwide Deaths in World War II", "AJR-27 War crimes: Japanese military during World War II", "Department of Defence (Australia), 2002, "A Short History of East Timor", "Soviet Armed Forces Losses in Wars, Combat Operations and Military Conflicts: A Statistical Study", "Michael Ellman and S. Maksudov, Soviet Deaths in the Great Patriotic War:a note-World War II - Europe Asia Studies, July 1994", "The extent of human losses USSR in the Great Patriotic War (in Russian)", "The Diplomacy of Apology: U.S. Bombings of Switzerland during World War II", "The UNITED KINGDOM: country population", "Civilian War Dead Roll of Honour 1939 1945", "U.S. Census BureauWorld Population Historical Estimates of World Population",, "Bundeskanzleramt der Republik sterreich Startseite Bundeskanzleramt sterreich", Bundesarchiv Euthanasie" im Nationalsozialismus,, Statistisches Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960 Bonn 1961 p.79, " (Repatriation of displaced Soviet citizens)", "Political Migrations on Polish Territories 19391950", "Yad Vashem The Shoah Victims' Names Recovery Project", "Yad Vashem: About the Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: FAQs", "File:Hungary in 1941 with territories annexed in 1938-1941.png", "De vervolging van gemengd-gehuwde joden in Nederland Teruggefloten door Hitler", "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Mexico lost 7 merchant ships and 63 dead merchant mariners. 39,929 Casualties For four brutal years, the Allies had been fighting the central powers, the Empires of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria. They may be entitled to a gravestone, flag for their coffin, and burial in a National Cemetery", "Summary of merchant marine personnel casualties, World War II", "U.S. Routledge. J. Arch Getty and Stephen G. Wheatcroft maintain that Soviet-era figures more accurately detail the victims of the Gulag labor camp system in the Stalin era. ^S Germany "Bataan, Corregidor, and the Death March: In Retrospect", "go to note on Polish Casualties by Tadeusz Piotrowski at the bottom of the page", "Victims of the Nazi Regime-Database of Polish citizens repressed under the German Occupation", Commonwealth War Graves Commission Annual Report 2013-2014, "Michael Ellman and S. Maksudov, Soviet Deaths in the Great Patriotic War:a note-World War II- Europe Asia Studies, July 1994", "Population dynamics: consequences of regular and irregular changes", "Nazi persecution of Soviet Prisoners of War", "The extent of human losses USSR in the Great Patriotic War and Statistical Lynbrinth (in Russian)", "Commonwealth War Graves Commission Annual Report 2014-2015, p. 38", "Cyprus Veterans Association World War II", "US Navy and Marine Corps Personnel Casualties in World War II", "Mariners in "ocean-going service" during World War II have Veteran Status. French casualties amounted to 120,000 killed or missing, 250,000 wounded, and 1,450,000 taken prisoner. Mai 1974. On 16 November the Allies started a large scale autumn offensive called Operation Queen. p. 30(500,000 civilians in Japan and 300,000 overseas, figures of Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare), Ishikida, Miki (2005). [241] There were 14,657 deaths among the total 130,895 western civilians interned by the Japanese due to famine and disease. An estimated total of 7085 million people perished, or about 3% of the 2.3 billion (est.) Civilians 7,500 (3,600 Merchant seaman, 1,500 resistance fighters, 1,800 civilians killed and 600 Jews killed)[94] Nazi Germany ordered, organized and condoned a substantial number of war crimes in World War II. & Jap. Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami. [40], General Eisenhower's Armies were facing resistance that varied from almost non-existent to fanatical[41] as they advanced toward Berlin, which was located 200km (120mi) from their positions in early April 1945. Operations ceased at 2301 hours Central European time (CET) on 8 May. Saint-Petersburg, 1995; (Russian Academy of Sciences). Reported deaths for the years 19391945 1,187,783, including: judicial executions 46,350; deaths in Gulag labor camps 718,804; deaths in labor colonies and prisons 422,629. The hardest hit localities were Podgorica, Leskovac, Zadar and Belgrade. (German Federal Statistical Office), Germany reports. Mainly for this reason, estimates of total dead in World War II vary anywhere from 35,000,000 to 60,000,000a statistical difference of no small import. The official figures for military war dead and missing in 194145 are 8,668,400 comprising 6,329,600 combat related deaths, 555,500 non-combat deaths. [261] During the war, Swedish merchant shipping was attacked by both German and Soviet submarines; 2,000 merchant seamen were killed. Recent historical scholarship has shed new light on the topic of Second World War casualties. 5-Figures of missing include POWs held by Allies. (1947) The combined staff of the U.K., Canada and the U.S. prepared "A study of the employment of German manpower from 19331945". ^BF United States Tokyo, July 1948. p.20, Japan Statistical Year-Book, 1949 [etc.]. A German attempt to recapture the salient ended in failure in early October. The Phoney War was an early phase of World War II marked by a few military operations in Continental Europe in the months following the German invasion of Poland and preceding the Battle of France. No sure count of even the prepaid populations existed. which are attributed to an increase in natural deaths from 1940 to 1945 and 1,650 foreign nationals killed while serving in the The figures for the pre-war Jewish population and deaths in the table below are from The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust. Updated February 26, 2010", "Tables "Battle casualties by type of casualty and disposition, type of personnel, and theater: 7 December 1941 31 December 1946" through "Battle casualties by type of casualty and disposition, and duty branch: 7 December 1941 31 December 1946", "American Merchant Marine in World War 2", "The Public Health Service Commissioned Corps | Defense Media Network", "NOAA History /NOAA Legacy/NOAA Corps and the Coast and Geodetic Survey", "G.F. Krivosheev. The U.S. Bureau of the Census noted that the official Yugoslav government figure of 1.7million war dead was overstated because it "was released soon after the war and was estimated without the benefit of a postwar census". "Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Netherlands" (PDF). Werner Gruhl estimates China's total war losses at 15,554,000, Civilians :12,392,000 including (8,191,000) due to the Japanese brutality and military dead 3,162,000. In addition, 247,000 Austrians lost their lives serving in the army of the Third Reich or were reported missing, and 24,000 civilians were killed during bombing" raids. In May 1940, the Germans launched the Battle of France. 105657, Table 607. Data from the Netherlands Institute of War Documentation puts the number of Dutch POW captured by the Japanese at 37,000 of whom 8,500 died. If all went well XXX Corps would advance into Germany without any remaining major obstacles. ^I China For the 19411944 Soviet military formation, see, Battles for Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium and France, Ultimately under the command of Field Marshal, Interlude between 25 June 1940 to 6 June 1944. pedagog. German efforts to interdict the Allies' trans-Atlantic trade at sea ignited the Battle of the Atlantic. They encircled around 200,000 Germans in the Falaise Pocket. 2-These statistics include casualties of the volunteer forces from the Soviet Union. Soviet sources list the deaths of 403 of the 2,377 Finnish. G. The demographic losses due to the reduction of 335,000 births and emigration of about 660,000 are not included with war casualties. However, when the Allies made a counter-landing in Norway following the German invasion, the Germans repulsed them and defeated the Norwegian armed forces, driving the latter into exile. Wars and Population. [600] The official casualty statistics published by the governments of the United States, France, and the UK do not give the details of the national origin, race and religion of the losses. Some I've been cooking for years, decades even, others I have cooked just . (This paper was a presentation at an academic conference in Warsaw Poland in 1994), Dzieje Najnowsze Rocznik XXI-1994, Pistohlkors, Gert. The First and Ninth Armies stopped along the Elbe and Mulde rivers, making contact with Soviet forces near the Elbe in late April. Deaths directly caused by the war (including military and civilian fatalities) are estimated at 50-56 million, with an additional estimated 19-28 million deaths from war-related disease and famine. It also includes foreign volunteers who died during their service in Finland and Finnish SS-men who died while serving in the German army. Tams Stark of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has provided the following assessment of Hungarian losses. [384] The Japanese Central Liaison Office reported in July 1947 to the Allied occupation authorities that Japanese military dead in 19351945 were 1,687,738 (1,340,700 Army and 347,038 Navy. 5-Figures of missing include POWs held by Allies. Total deaths from 1940 to 1953 due to the war and the Soviet occupation were approximately 83,000 persons (7.3% of the population). While the Western Front remained quiet in April 1940, the fighting between the Allies and the Germans began in earnest with the Norwegian Campaign when the Germans launched Operation Weserbung, the German invasion of Denmark and Norway. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. p. 252, Waller Wynne, Population of Czechoslovakia. D. The systematic extermination of large numbers of people for political, religious or racial reasons. The main Allied attack on the western front in 1916. The German army (or Heer) was the most complicit as a result of being on the ground in Germany's eastern campaigns, but all branches participated. Saint-Petersburg, 1995. Retrieved 4 March 2016. ed. [34] By the time they prepared to cross the Rhine in late March, the Western Allies had taken 1,300,000 German soldiers prisoner in western Europe. Moluccas: 2,600, 1,800, (4,400) The distinction between military and civilian casualties caused directly by warfare and collateral damage is not always clear-cut. [260] In August 1941, 243,106 Poles living in the Special Settlements were amnestied and released by the Soviets. Universe, Inc. (July 13, 2005). The first phase saw the capitulation of Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, and France during May and June 1940 after their defeat in the Low Countries and the northern half of France, and continued into an air war between Germany and Britain that climaxed with the Battle of Britain. Some parishes continued burying in the Second World War military cemeteries up to the 1980s. This instance of tying prisoner's hands contributed to Hitler's decision to issue his Commando Order instructing that all captured Commandos or Commando-type personnel were to be executed as a matter of procedure. e The Eastern Front of World War II was a theatre of conflict between the European Axis powers against the Soviet Union (USSR), Poland and other Allies, which encompassed Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Northeast Europe ( Baltics ), and Southeast Europe ( Balkans) from 22 June 1941 to 9 May 1945. The Allied operations were then succeeded by the German Ardennes offensive. According to a report compiled by the Relief Bureau of the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare in March 1964, combined Japanese Army and Navy deaths during the war (193745) numbered approximately 2,121,000; broken down as follows: In 1949 the report of the Japanese government Economic Stabilization Board put military war dead from December 1941 to December 21, 1946, at 1,555,308 Killed and 309,402 wounded. The British Royal Air Force dropped propaganda leaflets on Germany and the first Canadian troops stepped ashore in Britain, while Western Europe was in a strange calm for seven months. In October the Americans decided that they could not just invest Aachen and let it fall in a slow siege, because it threatened the flanks of the U.S. Ninth Army. Military deaths from all causes totaled 2125million, including deaths in captivity of about 5million prisoners of war. [246] Since 1990 Russian scholars have been given access to the Soviet-era archives and have published data on the numbers of people executed and those who died in Gulag labor camps and prisons. Airborne troops would fly in from the United Kingdom and take bridges over the main rivers of the German-occupied Netherlands in three main cities; Eindhoven, Nijmegen, and Arnhem. vs. Australia 199,511 killed and 15,000 wounded. [45], This article is about the West European theatre. However, as the breakout took place during Operation Cobra at the western end of the bridge-head, the 21st Army Group that included the British and Canadian forces swung east and headed for Belgium, the Netherlands and Northern Germany, while the U.S. Twelfth Army Group advanced to their south via eastern France, Luxembourg and the Ruhr Area, rapidly fanning out into a broad front. Some 16,000 Austrians were killed in prison, while over 67,000 Austrian Jews were deported to death camps, only 2,000 of them lived to see the end of the war. Italian losses amounted to 1,250 killed or missing, 4,780 wounded, and no information is provided on any who were captured. Von Rundstedt's divisions, which had remained on the west bank, were cut to pieces in the ''battle of the Rhineland' 280,000 men were taken prisoner. 3568. Third Axis Fourth Ally. [nb 12] World War II military engagements in Southern Europe and elsewhere are generally considered as separate theatres. [Tokyo], 1949, pp. More than half of the total number of casualties are accounted for by the dead of the Republic of China and of the Soviet Union. Total war dead of 357,116; Navy (50,758); Army (144,079); Air Force (69,606); Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service (624); French Indochina 2,803 killed and 6,000 wounded. Vertreibungsgebieten stlich von Oder und Neie. World War I Killed, wounded, and missing The casualties suffered by the participants in World War I dwarfed those of previous wars: some 8,500,000 soldiers died as a result of wounds and/or disease. [nb 13]. By the summer of 1944, when an expectation of an Allied invasion was freely admitted by German commanders, the disposition of troops facing it came under the command of OB West (HQ in Paris). By mid-September, the 6th Army Group, advancing from the south, came into contact with Bradley's formations advancing from the west and overall control of Devers' force passed from AFHQ in the Mediterranean so that all three army groups came under Eisenhower's central command at SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces). Mai 1974. Civilian losses due to attacks on merchant shipping were 470 merchant mariners and 502 passengers. U.S. Military Losses by theatre of war: Italy 74,725 (37,573 post armistice); France 2,060 (1,039 post armistice); This is from a total of 3,268,877 casualties recorded by the army across all fronts during that period. By the time the water had subsided and the US Ninth Army was able to cross the Roer on 23 February, other Allied forces were also close to the Rhine's west bank. Merchant Mariners killed in World War II are listed by Of the country's total casualties, about 2.1 million were military personnel while 500,000-800,000 were civilians. In Episode 3 we take apart the most gruesome battles seen on the Western Front, North African Campaign and Middle Eastern Operations. The Greek government is planning to claim reparations from Germany for war damages. The war dead totals listed in the report are based on the research by the CWGC to identify and commemorate Commonwealth war dead. In 2006, Christoph Bergner, Secretary of State in, A 2005 report by the German government search service put the death toll at 2,251,500, they did not provide details of the figure. [254] Michael Haynes and Rumy Husun accept the figures from the Soviet archives as being an accurate tally of Stalin's victims, they maintain that the demographic data depicts an underdeveloped Soviet economy and the losses in World War Two rather than indicating a higher death toll in the Gulag labor camps. 10,066; Paramilitary 3,252; not indicated 45,078. Lennart Lundberg Handelsflottan under andra vrldskriget, p. 9. [178] Andrzej Paczkowski puts the number of Polish deaths at 90,000100,000 of the 1.0million persons deported and 30,000 executed by the Soviets. Many civilians died because of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings, disease, and starvation. It is said that the Russians could have won the Second World War without any support from the US or Commonwealth forces, above all because of their large quantity of produced T-34 tanks. Civilian losses included 160,000 Jewish Holocaust dead, As Ruanda [Rwanda] was not occupied nor its food supply cut off, these deaths are not usually included with World War II casualties. Korea: 19,600, 6,900, (26,500) Archivalien und ausgewhlte Erlebnisberichte. [255], In August 2009 the Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) researchers estimated 150,000 Polish citizens were killed due to Soviet repression. In Operation Eclipse, the 17th Airborne Division, 82d Airborne Division, 101st Airborne Division, and a British brigade were to seize the Tempelhof, Rangsdorf, Gatow, Staaken, and Oranienburg airfields. Britain's Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, urged Eisenhower to continue the advance toward Berlin by the 21st Army Group, under the command of Montgomery with the intention of capturing the city. The US Seventh Army and the French First Army, making up the US 6th Army Group, rapidly consolidated this beachhead and liberated Southern France in two weeks; they then moved north up the Rhone valley. The following notes summarize German casualties, the details are presented in German casualties in World War II. During World War II, the German military helped fulfill Nazism's racial, political, and territorial ambitions.
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